Tag Archives: Eugene

Oh, Baby!

So, here I am another million months later, finally getting around to posting on this not forgotten, but very neglected beer blog. So the good news: Rowan Blaise made his debut on May 9th, weighing in at a hefty 8lbs 5 oz, four days ahead of schedule. I thank the long walks, spicy Thai food and whole watermelon I ate 2 hours before I went into labor for speeding things along. He’s pretty perfect, super advanced in pooping, vomiting and tummy time.  Continue reading


Filed under Beer, Blogging, Parenting

You like me, you really like me

I began writing this blog (after a couple false starts) with lots of encouragement from my husband, a need to do something more creative with my time, and because as I age and drink more beer, it is becoming pretty damn personal. My inaugural post in December of 2011 was about my first attempt at home brewing with my trusty partner in crime and life, Brock. Granted that beer came out a little weird, but it was our weird little baby and we loved it anyway. We’ve continued to brew (much more successfully) and our love of beer and brewing continues to grow.  Continue reading


Filed under Beer, Beer exchange, Craft Brewery, Home brew

Allies Win the War!

I’ve been wanting to try this collaboration ale for a while. When it first came out, it was pretty difficult to get ones paws on, but has since become more widely available in single cans or in cute little 4 packs. I say cute because the box and cans are covered in an old-time-y style newspaper print, and it’s, well, cute. According to the legend on the cans, Jamie Floyd of Ninkasi here in Eugene and Shaun O’Sullivan of 21st Amendment in San Francisco began their brewing careers together years ago.

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Filed under Beer, Craft Brewery, Review

At Ninkasi, Beer is Love

I’ve been a big fan of Ninkasi since the get go. From the first time I tasted Total Domination IPA and thought, “yup, that’s a beer for me”, to the first time I bought a keg for Brock’s 24th birthday party, to the first time I visited the tasting room, I’ve grown a little more in love with Ninkasi, their beer, and what they’re all about. That being said, I am a little embarrassed to say that I just took my first brewery tour about a week ago. Continue reading


Filed under Beer, Craft Brewery